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Packaging Department with Packing Workstations


Simplifying Complex Packaging Operations

Packaging workstation

Meet your packaging demands effortlessly with our Packaging Workbench and Workstation.

Simplify complex packaging tasks, reducing turnaround time and streamlining operations for maximum efficiency.

Feature Options

Variety of heavy & super heavy duty worksurfaces-Leg combination 

Advantage : Application efficient worksurface-leg combination

Benefits : Exactly suits not only operational need (i.e Packaging) but also environmental needs

Packing Bench Leg Inserts

Optional leg insert

Advantage : Adds additional packing related accessories

Benefits : Maximized space sage

Packaging accessories


Advantage : Wide choice of packing accessories like adjustable shelf, solid divider, roll holder, pegboard panel, power strip

Benefits : Increased Packaging efficiency

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Choice of storage cabinet/hanging drawer sizes and styles

Advantage : Provides additional storage space below the worksurface

Benefits : Lean and organized storage, creates an optimized Space

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Optional drawer compartment accessory 

Advantage : Helps to organize tools, equipments and components

Benefits : Better organization, faster retrieval

Lock in Cabinet

Locking options available for cabinet/drawer

Advantage : Provides security for equipment, tools and components

Benefits : Reduces loss/misplacement risk

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Ergonomic handle


Advantage : Reduce the likelihood of injury/fatigue

Benefits : Improve safety, Provide ergonomic ease

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Powder coated finish (with color options)

Advantage : Protects the product from corrosion and abrasion

Benefits : Increases product's longevity, resist discoloration, creates aesthetically appealing workspace.


Single Bay Packing Benches

Long Packing Benches


Download our brochures and capability statement


Our easy 4-step process handles everything.

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